Pocket Browser 정보
포켓 브라우저는 당신에게 귀중한 시간을 절약하기 위해 웹 페이지를 미리로드합니다.
Pocket Browser preloads web pages to save you precious time. It's a brand new concept of web browser.
Features include:
1. Load web page in the background without interrupting you from using the current apps (for example, Facebook, Twitter etc.)
2. Simple stats shows how much time you saves.
3. Comprehensive history page to mark down what you were interested.
4. Simplified sharing experience to tell your friends what is awesome.
How to Use:
1. Click a link from any app (Facebook, Twitter etc.)
2. Choose "Pocket Browser" to handle the link.
3. Set "Pocket Browser" as default (click "Aways").
4. Click "Pocket Browser" icon on screen when page loading finishes.
Feel free to send us feedback and we are trying our best to make it the best product for you!
Please follow us on twitter (@etustudio) for related apps update.