PocketSpace (FTP Server) 정보
포켓 공간 (FTP 서버) 파일 저장 및 관리 유틸리티 강력하다.
***** Pocket Space (FTP Server) ********
Want to walk around with a ftp server in your pocket? Pocket Space (FTP) is a powerful file storage and management utility embedded with the ftp server.
Other FREE trial:
POCKETSPACE (HTTP Only): https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.dragonfire.pocketspaceHTTP
FULL Version (No Adv):
POCKETSPACE (FTP + HTTP): https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.dragonfire.pocketspace
Pocket Space (FTP) features included:
- Support real time browsing for a large varieties of file type.
- Support Image Format: jpg, png, gif, tiff, bmp and many others.
- Support PDF
- Support Text Format: txt, rtf, rtfd, cpp, c, m, mm, h.
- Support Microsoft Format: doc, docx, xls,xlsx, ppt, pptx, pps, csv for MS Office 97-2003 and 2007
- Support iWork for pages, numbers and key
- Support Audio Format: mp3, wav, aif, aifc
- Support Video Format: m4v, mp4, mov in H.264, MPEG-4
Core Features:
- Turn your Android into a portable ftp server and file storage device by using WIFI.
- Simple and easy-to-use interface to manage, upload or download your files through ftp clients.
- User can set their own FTP account
- User can set the root directory
- Enjoy the platform independence and connect to Pocket Space in any OS with a ftp client.
- Skip the trouble of using connection cable and get everything done with WIFI or airport.
- Work perfectly with the airport function provided in Mac.
Suggested Apps:
User together with other app can enhance the usability:
Suggest to use file management Adnrodi App such as ASTRO,
FTP client side such as Filezilla