Polly Pocket Toy Play 정보
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Polly Pocket is a toy line of dolls and accessories. The name "Pocket" originates from the fact that many of the original Polly Pocket dolls came in pocket-size cases. The Fashion Polly dolls sold by Mattel are significantly different from those originally created and sold by Bluebird Toys.
Polly Pocket Adventures!
Polly Pocket New Series
Polly Pocket New Series
All videos that are displayed in the video animated app are originated from YouTube and contributed by respective YouTube Account. App only aims to help for the creation of all animated videos at one place, so that users may get access to content quickly and easily.The Images displayed in app belongs to YouTube videos.
All Copyrights and trademarks belongs to their respective owners. This app is not endorsed by or affiliated with Irk soft.