Polo Trip Passenger 정보
Polo Trip은 에티오피아 아디스 아바바에있는 새롭고 개선 된 차량 운행 앱입니다.
"Polo Trip is a new and improved ride-hailing app in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. We provide reliable, safe, convenient, and affordable transportation to suit your daily needs anywhere, anytime in Addis Ababa.
We are all about simplifying people’s lives and moving towards better living from running your errands to getting to work or a night out with friends. Polo Trip is a click away to get to your destination with an Ethiopia taxi. Just order and we will be right with you.
With Polo Trip, you can move the way you want by.
Tapping your phone to download and sign up on the app or by simply calling us on 6565
Choose your location
Enjoy your trip, Pay and Rate your drivers.
ፖሎ ትሪፕ አዲስና የተሻሻለ የሚተማመኑበት ምቹ ታክሲ መጥሪያ አፐሊኬሽን ነው፡፡
ፖሎ ትሪፕ እምነት መጣል የሚችሉበት የመ¹¹Ÿመንሴ ነው አዲስ አበባ ውስጥ እዘዙ እንመጣለን የትም ቦታ የትም ሰኣት፡፡
ፖሎ ትሪፕን ለመጠቀም ፡
አፕሊኬሽን ያውርዱ ወይም ወደ ጥሪ ማአከላችን 6565 ይደውሉ
አፕሊኬሽን ስልክዎት ላይ ጭነው ይመዝገቡ
መኪናዉን ይጥሩ"