Pomodoro Smart Timer - A Productivity Timer App
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Android 4.1+
Android OS
Pomodoro Smart Timer - A Productivity Timer App 정보
Best free pomodoro app use as focus productivity timer and study break timer
Pomodoro Smart Timer is a personal assistant and tracker to help you study, train and work based on Pomodoro technique.
Pomodoro Smart Timer is completely free, fully customizable and be updated based on users feedback.
• No advertising
• Without asking for more access rights, your privacy is always respected.
• Support multiple languages (include English), easy to change languages
• User interface with multiple themes, supporting AMOLED
• Many different alarm sounds and many relaxing sounds
• Fully customizable all Pomodoro parameters
• Statistics of quantity and time of Pomodoro
• Allow to reset statistical data
We always believe and hope in you and everyone.
So we always try to create better and free apps.
We also listen to you, please send us feedback at any time.
Fanpage: https://www.facebook.com/pomodoro.smart.timer
Email: admin@hamatim.com
What's new in the latest pomodoro.09-04-22.V5.5
Add Traditional Chinese (98%) thank to Julie <3
Add Korean (98%) thank to translatorchoo <3
I am comeback and make app better
Add tutorial how to use Advance feature to blink your flash when pomodoro end with Automate/Tasker
Move custom background to main menu and fix custom image not loaded to Android 12
Pomodoro Smart Timer - A Productivity Timer App apk 정보
Pomodoro Smart Timer - A Productivity Timer App의 오래된 버전
Pomodoro Smart Timer - A Productivity Timer App pomodoro.09-04-22.V5.5
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