pool trick shots 정보
terms that exist in the game of billiards
in this application provides a tutorial and a billiard ball shooting techniques and tricks that you can also demonstrated, the technique is as follows:
1. Stop Ball
Cue Ball / white ball stops right when the ball moving targets as minimal as possible from an initial position the ball hit the target, the stop ball is perfectly possible if Sasran balls and cue ball in a position straight line. At a point on the center cue ball.
2. Follow Shot
cue ball / ball white ball moving forward after the goal, the point at on the top of the cue ball. This punch technique among pebiliar Indonesia often called "DUR".
3. Draw Shot
cue ball moves backward after the target ball, the point at the bottom of the cue ball. This technique is more popular with the term "track ball"
4. English
often called "securities" by the pebiliar in Indonesia, because this term is to hit the ball using the effect, this technique allows the cue ball is moving or bouncing in the tire / cushion in accordance with the effect that we are at the cue ball. for this technique, the legal angle of incidence equals the angle of reflection at an angle oantul no longer valid because of the influence of the given effect can enlarge or narrow the reflection angle of the ball
5. Jump Shot
cue ball jump over the ball in front of him blocking the path to hit the ball directly targeted. This technique is done using a special cue or stuk, jum cue, by hitting the top of the cue ball at an angle of at least 45 degrees.
6. Masse
white ball deflecting technique, using effects by hitting the top of the cue ball, white ball will move curve. usually used when the object balls blocked another ball so it can not direct o'clock.
7. Trick Shot
stroke technique which produces a variety of punches unique and unusual, normally used for the exhibition.
8. Safety Shot
blow done to make it difficult for the opponent when the ball's position is less favorable and the need to set a strategy to survive with the position cue ball and object balls in a difficult position to opponent
9. Break Shot
blow performed early in the game to break the ball's position on the rack. any type of game has a technical break and white balls of different positions.
10. Missed Cue
blow slipped and resulted in moving the white ball collar wrong and often cause foul, usually due to forget to put chalk / Limestone on cue tip / stick or as a result of incorrect swing.
11. Bank Shot
if the blow is done indirectly, use or cushion tires beforehand, both for the cue ball and object balls.
12. Combination Shot
if the player intends to put the ball by using the other ball, so do not blow directly to the intended direction of the ball in the hole to fill.
13. Lagging
Usually also called banking, which is a method of determining who did break early in the game, where both pemainmelakukan a straight punch langusng to the ball without the target, the direction of the tire / cushion top table and balls in time to be back in touch or approach the cushion under the table , his ball players who are closer to the bottom cushion time has stopped, has the right to break first.