POSTER on the GO™ 정보
View ePoster presentations in the palm of your hand!
POSTER on the GO™ App is an advanced mobile ePoster App offering instant access* to Scientific Posters published over the years by Medical Societies using MULTIEPOSTER Services.
All ePosters are organized by events/sessions and easily searchable by keywords. ePosters on the POSTER on the GO™ App feature the MULTIEPOSTER intuitive auto-zooms system which guides users into Poster Sections in a sequenced manner to facilitate reading and increase comprehension.
Users can shift between the sections by clicking on the next/previous section arrows or in/out into on each section and select precise section visually on the full zoomed out Scientific Poster.
Users can even further zoom in into a specific section by using 2 fingers and easily move on to the next section thanks to the next/previous section arrows.
POSTER on the GO™ App drastically enhances Scientific Poster viewing on Android Devices.
*requires an internet connection and an access granted by the respective medical societies using MULTIEPOSTER Services.
MULTIEPOSTER and POSTER on the GO™ are trademarks of MULTILEARNING Group Inc.
2014© MULTILEARNING Group Inc. All rights reserved.