Princess Horse Grooming Salon 정보
Wash and dress up the horse that is in a farm's stable also change it's color.
If you like dress up games in general, but more specificly with animals such pony, unicorn, or maybe horses, well it means this game is for you. You can at first remove the dirt form the horse with a big brush, then use a soap and a water jet to make it sparkle. The farm in which the horse is located it's pretty clean at the moment, but who knows when the animal will make a mess and you will have to clean it up, stay tune for new updates.
The horse looks very beautiful we think, it's up to you to decide if is a female or male, however it has a very beautiful long hair, and a beautiful ponytail, you can change the color of the body, and dress it up with a horse sadle that also has many colors. So have fun.