princess house hold chores 정보
welcome In one of the nicest Games cleaning princess house
We came up with another interesting cleaning game where you are about to help a royalty to get things done. House hold chores are not as simple and easy as they look. You will be guided in this game to do each task and the way it would suppose to be done. First, handle the princess cleaning room following the dish washing phase and the ironing royal clothes. Have fun and try to accomplish all the chores given.
Each part is cleaned with a different kind of tool and you actually have to accomplish all the given tasks so you can move to the next step that will let you test some of your cleaner abilities. princess castle
The spider web is all over the place and as soon as you clean that it might look even better. Take the trash into the garbage can and offer attention to those speckled walls that need an immediately washing. Use the vacuum cleaner for leftovers and take the mop to the wet space. Broken things need to be fixed and replaced, also the dirt from the ground needs to be removed. Clean the bath tub, the sink, and the toilet because there is where the most bacteria is gathered. You also need to clean the sink because once the dishes are cleaned the dirt remains in there. Use the tools you have and try to make each task in the way it should be done. princess castle
When you are done cleaning, then the room decoration game will start because after doing so much work, princess castle
it is nice to treat the girls and give them a great surprise by changing everything about the room. Each area of the room will be interchangeable with an item from the bottom of the screen so browse through them all to see which ones you like, and also which ones are considered best fitting. There are plenty of tasks to be completed so jump right into it. This way you will learn that chores are actually fun because everything will look a lot better once it is clean and reorganized.
princess castle
Every part of this mobile application will have some cool features such as: all the things,rooms play,princess activities
-Lovely colorful design
-Relaxing background music
-Interactive menus
-Straight forward tasks
-Different challenges along the way
-Great variety of customizable options
princess castle
war room
all the things
princess activities
dressing room
rooms play