Private Call Identifier: Free! 정보
무료 인터넷없이 개인 전화 번호를 확인! 알 수없는 전화.
Private Call Number identifier Will Help you to identify call number for private calls without using internet, with integrated database with phone Numbers of all around the World, (India Phone Numbers, Pakistan Phone Num, United State, Egypt, China, Japan Etc).
Just Set up the voice pitch and choose the voice you like Man or Woman voice changer for CALL, after setting up your voice calls, when someone calls you with private number the Private Call Identifier will identify the number by its frenquency and search for that frenquency in our database because each phone number has its own frequency.
Added the following countries: United Kingdom, China, India, Japan, Morocco, Algeria, Egypt.
Added Frequencies of the following IAM INWI.
What's new in the latest 1.1.2
New Carrier added,
New Carriers Frequencies added,
Fix Bugs,