Prkruti: Monitor Air Quality- Realtime AQI 정보
응용 프로그램은 모두 정말 환경에 대해 신경 스마트 시민에 대한 경고에 관한 것입니다
Prkruti app is all about smart alerts and notification based solution, for smart citizen who really care about the environments.
It’s platform where people interact with the city via the air that we breathe. Environment pollution is one of the biggest challenge that we facing right now and situation is getting worst day by day
Best solution to overcome the air pollution is by making all invisible things to visible that we breathe along with the air!
Prkruti air quality app gives the real-time air quality tracking by the standard AQI format with the unique colour code by which it is gets easy for anyone to identify the pureness of the air. Prkruti smart algorithm notify when to wear mask, when to perform outdoor activity, if you are health sensitive then which time is better for you to perform outdoor activity etc.
Key Features
- Real-time AQI calculation which is obtained from the pollutants like PM2.5, PM10, CO, No2,NH3 etc
- Real-time whether parameters like temperature, humidity, dew point, noise, Air pressure etc
- Customized smart alerts and suggestions
- Morning and Evening reports for the selected location
- F.A.Q for the all pollutants, indoor and outdoor air quality