Prophet Stories 정보
Stories of the Prophets - Islamic History
Stories of the Prophets - Islamic History
1. Prophet Adam
2. Prophet Idris (Enoch)
3. Prophet Nuh (Noah)
4. Prophet Hud
5. Prophet Salih
6. Prophet Ibrahim (Abraham)
7. Prophet Isma'il (Ishmael)
8. Prophet Ishaq (Isaac)
9. Prophet Yaqub (Jacob)
10. Prophet Lot (Lot)
11. Prophet Shuaib
12. Prophet Yusuf (Joseph)
13. Prophet Ayoub (Job)
14 . Prophet Dhul-Kifl
15. Prophet Yunus (Jonah)
16. Prophet Musa (Moses) & Harun (Aaron)
17. Prophet Hizqeel (Ezekiel)
18. Prophet Elyas (Elisha)
19. Prophet Shammil (Samuel)
20. Prophet Dawud (David)
21. Prophet Sulaiman (Soloman)
22. Prophet Shia (Isaiah)
23. Prophet Aramaya (Jeremiah)
24. Prophet Daniel
25. Prophet Uzair (Ezra)
26. Prophet Zakariyah (Zechariah)
27. Prophet Yahya (John)
28. Prophet Isa (Jesus)
29. Prophet Muhammad