심령 영역과 그 신비에 대해 더 알고 싶으십니까? 이 응용 프로그램은 당신을위한 것입니다
The word "psychic" is derived from the Greek word psychikos ("of the mind" or "mental"), and refers in part to the human mind or psyche (ex. "psychic turmoil"). The Greek word also means "soul". In Greek mythology, the maiden Psyche was the deification of the human soul. The word derivation of the Latin psȳchē is from the Greek psȳchḗ, literally "breath", derivative of psȳ́chein, to breathe or to blow (hence, to live).
A psychic is a person who claims to use extrasensory perception (ESP) to identify information hidden from the normal senses, particularly involving telepathy or clairvoyance, or who performs acts that are apparently inexplicable by natural laws. Although many people believe in psychic abilities, the scientific consensus is that there is no proof of the existence of such powers, and describe the practice as pseudoscience. The word "psychic" is also used as an adjective to describe such abilities. In this meaning, this word has two synonyms, which are parapsychic and metapsychic.
Included in this app:
⚛ Angels
⚛ Spirit Guides and Animal Totems
⚛ Human Aura
⚛ Chakra Meanings and Description
⚛ Dream Interpretations
⚛ Holistic Healing Techniques
⚛ Psychic Intuition
⚛ Psychic Protection
⚛ Clairaudience
⚛ Clairsentience
⚛ Clairvoyance
⚛ Psychometry
⚛ Telepathy
⚛ Extrasensory Perception (ESP)
⚛ Precognition
⚛ Palmistry: Major Lines
⚛ Palmistry: Minor Lines
⚛ Palmistry: The Mounts
⚛ Palmistry: Hand Shapes
⚛ Palmistry: Finger Shapes
⚛ Superstitions
⚛ Zodiac Signs
⚛ The 13th Zodiac Sign
⚛ Astrological Elements
⚛ Recommended Resources
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What's new in the latest 1.4
psychic source,
clairvoyant definition,
psychic dreams,
psychic healing,
psychic abilities,
psychic energy