QClaim 정보
모든 구매 및 청구서를 보호하는 궁극적 인 솔루션 인 Qclaim.
Qclaim , an ultimate solution to protect all your purchases & bill.
Introducing, for the first time in India - a retail app with digital solution to protect your bills & warranty!!!
Warranty at your fingertip - just a single click away !
A safe location to keep and protect all your bills and warranties.
QClaim enables our client retailers instant uploading of all your purchase details .
No more fear of losing your paper bills & warranty cards.
Qclaim keeps it safe for you !
Qclaim offers a digital locker to keep the warranty for all your purchases .
Easy to use !
Easy to access !
Easy to retrieve !
Qclaim app users have the benefit of connecting to thousands of retail brands through our app.
We are driven by client satisfaction and long term service.
- Go green,
- Go paperless !
We promote paperless transactions !
- We are committed to environmental protection.
No more worries about keeping the retails bills and warranties.
Yes , your warranty is just a click away !
Go for Qclaim !
Qclaim is available on Playstore.
Download and register the app today .