Quick Meme 정보
만들기 및 인스 타 그램, 트위터, 페이스 북, 싸이 월드, 미투데이, 이메일 및 다른 사람에 밈을 공유
If you've always wanted to create awesome memes on your phone, you're going to be AMAZED at what you can create in just seconds with Quick Meme!
Select a source image for your meme. You can also use your own images: take a picture or select one from your photo library, your Instagram account, or grab a Facebook photo from an album.
Quick Meme Features:
* Easy-to-Use intuitive interface
* Create Your Own Memes from Instagram, Facebook, personal photo archives
* Share your meme creations via Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, e-mail, Bluetooth, Picasa...
Everything You Need to Create Memes You Can’t Wait to Share!
Creating and sharing all your favorite memes on your phone with your friends via Facebook, Twitter,e-mail, Bluetooth, Picasa...has never been easier!
What's new in the latest 1.2
Changed font to Impact
Added hardware acceleration.