QwikSpec Brigade 정보
QwikSpec 사이트 검사를 관리하기위한 변형 소프트웨어 솔루션입니다.
QwikSpec brings the power of mobility to the field with an easy to use mobile interface to perform inspections on the field. The app allows users to create jobs and tasks, perform inspections based on the organization’s own checklists, capture visual evidence, add comments, categorize snags, capture signatures, and even generate daily service report. The app allows users to work in offline mode since most remote sites will not have connectivity.
The solution addresses issues of manual process delays, document management, version control, data analytics, and audit control. Key benefits include higher productivity of field staff, site data catalogued and available immediately to management, better data quality with visual evidence and comments, and reports automatically generated saving time and eliminating errors. All inspection records including photos are available online for future reference. It’s relevant in industries which have critical field inspection activities e.g. construction, oil & gas, marine, lifting, mining, etc. QwikSpec takes the headaches out of the business critical activity of field inspection.