Rainbow Friends Live and call 정보
이봐, 당신은 Creepy Rainbow Friends를 부를만큼 용감합니까?
Try this Rainbow Friends Fake Call!
This app can make you call Creepy RAINBOW FRIENDS Obby right away, you can hear scary voice from him that make you afraid.
If you have the courage you can also make video call with Creepy Rainbow Friends, Feel the horror during the video call.
Prank your friend and family with RAINBOW FRIENDS Obby Fake Call, show them your terrifying chat with Creepy Rainbow Friends and how scared you are.
How to use Rainbow Friends Fake Call app :
1. Choose you want to call or chat.
2. Set Creepy RAINBOW FRIENDS Obby video call theme
3. Set Some time .
4. Press Call Creepy Rainbow Friends
5. Wait for call from Creepy RAINBOW FRIENDS Obby
If you like Rainbow Friends Fake Call, tell your friend and family to try it. Challange them if they brave enough like you and have fun together.
Dont forget to support us by giving your best review and rating, because that's where our passion for creativity comes from.
Good luck an have fun, Thanks!
• Camera permission
• Internet
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