Reading Mode 정보
측정 모드와 안드로이드에서 최고의 독서 경험을 즐길 수 있습니다.
Reading Mode takes care of everything you need to make your Android device reading friendly so that you can focus on reading, even in night. While all you need to do is a tap.
Its awesome goodies include
• BlueLight filter - to protect your eyes when you are reading for a long time. It keeps your eyes miles away from strain even when you read for hours.
• Brightness below minimum - to make looking at the screen comfortable even when it is pitch dark.
• Auto Pause - Reading Mode auto pauses when a certain app is being used.
• Increases the sleep timeout of the screen to a longer interval so that it does not go away while you are still busy reading.
• Locks the brightness and orientation to your preferred setting so that your screen does not keep bugging you while you read.
• Puts down Ring/Notification volume so that notifications do not disturb you while you read.
• All these settings are user configurable to their best comfort.
• Reverts settings back to normal when Reading Mode is switched off.
• Super light weight.