Recovery Example 정보
자조 일상 생활에서 작은 좌절 이벤트를 다루는 도구
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Unofficial app based on the methods of Recovery International, this self-help tool helps you deal with minor irritating events.
NOTE: If you are a member, it is very important that you do not use this as a substitute for going to Recovery meetings. It does not have any "foreign spotting" features other than send-only email nor does it cover any of the Recovery literature.
It is based on the 4 part method developed by Dr. Abraham Low:
1) describe a recent irritating event
2) describe what physical and mental discomfort you had from the event
3) describe your insights and actions in response to the event
4) describe what you would have done previously (progress)
This tool comes with 3 "spotting" lists: A Recovery based list, an American sayings based list and a Christian based list. You can also customize your spot list and symptom list with the simple built in text editor.
Spots are basically comforting sayings and practical advice. You can describe how you applied each spot
by typing or using Google Speech recognition.
The app builds an "example" which is a story based on your responses. Your example can be emailed or read aloud by the text-to-voice synthesizer.
This app can be very handy in dealiing with everyday trivial events and learning and applying new coping skills.
You can find more info on Recovery Inc. at