Recuperator 정보
열회수 인간 행동의 영역에서 새로운 효과를 입증한다.
The main purpose that the Recuperator is serving – the induction, generation, calculation and graphical presentation the User's level of trance. The conceptual model - "Recuperator" was created as a demonstration of the new effect in the area of human behavioral - "Auto-synchronization effect".
We have used behavioral economics approaches, time psychology and our research results for creating the new class of applications. These are the true "Time mashings" - we call them "Synchronizers".
Incredibly original and really exclusive opportunities with the entirely new executive mechanism - our "Synchronizers" are providing the free possibility for effective real-time synchronization for everyone.
You can not find the similar practical work available anywhere else, except theoretical sources of academic information for experts in the field. Why? Because it is all about a time, that is the biggest miracle.
"Time is an illusion."~ Albert Einstein
And everyone knows that time is the most valuable and the most powerful thing in the world.
"It's really clear that the most precious resource we all have is time." ~ Steve Jobs
The human mind is not a "Real-time machine" because of trance. The sense of time is the central part of the human behavioral that allow prioritizing mind activity.
"Trance is a natural everyday experience." ~ Milton H. Erickson.
With our application's family, You can start instantly use a time as the powerful tool for perfect mind activity: "Doing nothing – getting the best results".
These tools family is representing three kinds of application that have a deal with time processing and trance:
- Synchronizer, that has been created as the "Machine for suggestions" and is using the new cognitive effect - "Blind synchronization effect". The first variation has name "S Hospital";
- Recuperator – that is using the "Auto-synchronization effect" and providing instant indication of a level of trance for participants our programs. Auto-synchronization process represents user’s ability to maintain simple activity with the same frequency - some main rhythm.
- Hypnotizer – is providing an efficient mechanism for different clinical psychology practices. This sort of application will not be available in Google Play Store.
Also, we are working on the application, which can provide the new behavioral mechanism for the process of learning a foreign language - "S Lingua".
We also should declare some basic principles, that our work does have.
First. The author is not a professional developer of applications. He is an educator and an inventor – so, this is kind of enthusiast's work. Feel free to send your proposition and share your personal experience to author's email.
Second. This family of applications has represented really a very new area of human activity. The author makes all reasonable efforts to ensure that the applications work well. However, the Author cannot guarantee any stable working parameters of applications, and shall not be responsible for any errors, omissions, or inaccuracies and accepts no liability whatsoever for any loss or damage howsoever arising. The Author reserves the right to make changes to or take down the applications or remove or alter any content at any time without notice.
We think our work can be useful with the creation resources for autism, seniors, children, adults, military and veterans, employment and training, medical rehabilitation, brain health.