Resize image 정보
크기 조정 이미지 이미지를 줄일 수 있습니다.당신은 작은 트래픽 작은 이미지를 보낼 수 있습니다.
Generally smartphone have over 8MP camera.
However it's display has only 2MP.
Mass traffic occurs when they just send it to the internet such as E-mail, SNS and other.
The resize image can easily reduces an image by Share function of Android.
The image resize was particular about resize an image in few procedures .
How to use.
1. Share the image which wants to reduce to resize image app in a gallery app or camera app.
2. Select resolution.
3. Share or save it.
You can configure new size and quality.
Reduce in the decided size and cut an image or maintain the ratio of the original image .
Default value is set value to use a compression protocol with a tiny consumption of the memory
You can set careful mode in config window if when you have high-performance smartphone.
It will generate more beautiful image with more memory.