Restaurant Near - Moza Solution 정보
모바일 앱 근처 식당 - 스마트 레스토랑 부가 기능을위한 새로운 솔루션
Be the lucid restaurant owner:
- Improve the quality of service of the restaurant
- Solve the issues of flexible ordering activities
- Reduced investment costs for human resources - cost savings
- Make customers comfortable
Our smart Restaurant Near features:
- Display the list and information of the restaurant's cuisine with attractive views
- The item selection is flexible, easy to use with the customer, creating interest for the user.
- The convenience product sorting feature meets the needs of customers: sort by price, by name, by favorite, ...
- The navigation components meet the requirements of flexibility, convenience, and clarity
- Advance booking at the restaurant if your restaurant has this service
- Satisfying the display of the restaurant's branches on the map, convenient for finding the nearest restaurant address of the customer.
- The function encourages customers to vote for the delicious food of the restaurant
- The ability to upgrade the application easily, meet the needs of users
- Fast performance and secure data processing
- Multilingual support: French, German, Spanish, Portuguese, Japanese, Arabic, Russian ... Easy to change to other languages.
- App: Android native
- Governance: Yii2 FW
Source code:
- Ready to provide the source code for the customer needs
- Application development support on demand
- The team of enthusiastic support, dynamic and high technical level
Contact now: +1 2097594333 -