RM Easimaths 정보
RM Easimaths is packed with activities - it's fun and easy to use!
RM Easimaths provides online maths tuition for pupils aged from 4 to 11 years, and covers sub-Levels 1 to 5 of the UK National Curriculum.
The RM Easimaths app for Android is for users who already have a licence for RM Easimaths, either through their school or an @Home licence. For pupils, it provides the same access to content as the main RM Easimaths website.
RM Easimaths is more than a simple question-and-answer system. It provides detailed contextual feedback to the child and, if necessary, progressively more assistance. In this way, each maths skill is explained.
As an added incentive, pupils collect points as they progress through the content. These will unlock new items and levels in the end-of-session game – Flingaball!
The RM Easimaths app is compatible with most Android tablets with a screen size of 7 inches or more.