Rose Hearts LWP 정보
스마트 폰 또는 태블릿에 대한 무료 애니메이션 라이브 배경 화면의 HD.
The rose is worthy of the Royal crown of the flower with a divine fragrance. For lovers of men today we offer live wallpaper - red rose, symbolizing desire, passion, lust, impulse, animated hearts, as a gift to his chosen ones. The number, speed and direction of which you set yourself in the settings of our application. A pleasant surprise for your lady will be pressing the fingers on animated heart. To install our Wallpaper is very easy, click on the "Install" button. Turning the screen hearts rush to your finger that makes the application of dynamics and passion. Loaded very quickly with no distortion, takes up very little space on your device. The Wallpapers were tested on modern devices, saving your battery in the off state of the gadget. Completely free. Work fine as on smartphones and on tablets. Rose love, it worship, it composed many songs, poems, legends. It is decorated with temples, houses, parks and estates. No event takes place without the participation of this flower. Download our Live Wallpaper Rose Hearts give them their favorite, give them good mood, more positive emotions, love and happiness. With love to You, our developers.
Image taken by the license: CC0 Public Domain
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