ROV Brands 정보
첫 번째 안드로이드 ROV 카탈로그, 당신은 시장에 모든 ROVs의 데이터 시트에 액세스 할 수 있습니다.
This ROV catalog contains the rovs of 18 different brands that are available on the market. To over 68 different vehicles many technical data.
This is the ideal app for every ROV enthusiast and particularly useful for ROV Trainee who's starting in this market.
The data is updated continually and new photos are uploaded.
In this rov catalog you will find ROV specifications of:
- Oceaneering
- Fugro
- Sperre
- SAAB Seaeye
- Seatronics
- Eca Group
- Video Ray
- SeaBotix
- Gnom
- Seamor
- Aquabotix
- HydroAcoustics
- Outland
Features coming soon:
Trencher class - Massive ROVs used on trenching operations
ROV Jobs - A list of ROV jobs opportunities, you will get notifications every time the list get updated.
Please report bugs and requests for new features to [email protected]
This helps us to improve the app. Thank you.
What's new in the latest 1.3
2 - New ROVs added.
3 - New features: "ROV Jobs" and "ROV News" available in BETA version.