RTO Vehicle Information 정보
RC Status, Owner Details & Other Vehicle Information for any vehicle in India
Application to get Owner Details, RC Status & Other Vehicle Information for any vehicle throughout India.
App Will give you the below vehicle registration details by giving vehicle number:
Owner Name
Engine Number
Chassis Number
Vehicle Registration Date
Vehicle Registration City
This is how you can get most out of this app -
If you are going to buy any vehicle check if the owner is genuine. This way you can be sure that you are buying it from the right person.
If you would like to know the owner details of any vehicle then this information is very useful for you.
Suppose you see an accident & have noted down the vehicle number, You can immediately know the details of the person responsible for that particular incident.
Vahaan Sewa is a very useful initiative of Govt. of India which can be used in multiple ways and is of immense use.