SafetyChain 정보
SafetyChain은 라이센스가 부여 된 SafetyChain 사용자를위한 모바일 앱 칭찬입니다.
SafetyChain is the new mobile app compliment for licensed users of SafetyChain for Food™ - the leading SaaS-based Safety Chain Management solution for the food and beverage industry. Used to assess food safety and quality information at the earliest point possible in a company’s supply chain, SafetyChain for Food and SafetyChain Mobile helps food growers/suppliers, manufacturers/co-packers, brokers/distributors and food services/retailers to:
• Save time, save money and create operational efficiencies
• Keep non-compliant products from coming in or going out
• Automate HACCP, GFSI and other compliance programs
• Respond on-demand to regulatory, 3rd party and customer audits
• Prevent withdrawals, rejections and recalls
• Protect market value and brand
SafetyChain for Food and SafetyChain Mobile are registered trademark of SafetyChain Software 2013©™