SafetyGrip 정보
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With the SafetyGrip (Pty) Ltd app you’ll have instant access to technical information for the tyres you need. Furthermore, you’ll be able to view stock availability and pricing at your leisure even when you’re offline- ensuring that you’re fully informed on the complete SafetyGrip range.
Tyres are publicized in all price categories, with all popular sizes and treads. These include our own import brands such as Barkley, BF-Goodrich, Dunlop Fesite, Lande and the prevalent brand Michelin.
Tyres can be selected based on quality, availability and price. We offer an array of products ranging from the best-known brands to our import products to provide you, our customer, with options which are best suited to your needs.
SafetyGrip is a South African based company that retails in all segments of the tyre industry. SafetyGrip is guaranteed to provide great service, sell the best quality products and also offer competitive market related pricing.
We at SafetyGrip focus on selling not just a product but exceptional service, knowledge and expertise. Our daily goal is not to be better than the rest, but to be better than the day before.