Sally Larry Face Walkthrough 정보
Sally Face는 인공 얼굴을 가진 소년을 따라가는 어두운 어드벤처 게임입니다.
Sally Face is a game you may have heard of before. It started its journey with the release of its first episode back in 2016. Created by a solo indie developer during a dark time in his life, the game was an attempt at self-expression and getting through these times by having a creative outlet to share with the world. A few years later, in 2019, the final episode was released, after which Sally Face received a lot of critical acclaim and a enjoyed a cult following of sorts.
DISCLAIMER / Legal Notice about Sally Face :
New Amazing Guide for Sally Face.
This app is not a game, it's a guide for Sally Face created by fans for fans and not an official guide from the creators of Sally Face
If you notice that there is any copyright, contact us, and we will resolve any issue.
All rights belong to the developers of Sally Face