Save bookmark 정보
한 번의 클릭으로 북마크를 저장합니다.
Save your bookmarks with one click. if you surf the web with your smartphone and you find some interesting link that you want to save and read in the future save it as bookmark with Link Joinmarks!
This app synchronize your saved bookmarks in the cloud and you will find them in your smartphone tablet or pc..whatever browser you re using at the moment. You use Firefox in your smartphone but Chrome in your pc? No problem! You will find all your bookmarks as well!
And if you use Link Joinmarks in your pc (web site) you will be able to do more than saving you bookmarks!
You can organize them in sections and folders and share them with your friends and co-workers and manage them together! You will never loose an important link again! Save them with Link Joinmarks!
save bookmarks
organize bookmarks in section and folders
share bookmarks with your friends