ScanESC for Dynamics 정보
Android 휴대 전화 또는 태블릿에서 Microsoft Dynamics CRM 데이터에 액세스하십시오.
ScanESC app is a client for Microsoft Dynamics CRM that allows you to access your data on the go. It boosts the productivity of sales people, field technicians…anyone who needs to be mobile while working.
The app works in online, as well as offline mode, so you will be able to view/create/delete/modify data whenever you need it. The application does not require any middleware - just install it on your device, connect directly to your Dynamics CRM and start using it with your real data.
You can create new orders or quotes, access information about accounts and contacts, schedule appointments, track phone calls and e-mails, and much more. This app is going to be your irreplaceable companion throughout the day.