Secure Browser - Dark Web, Deep Web 정보
Most Secure Browser with access all type of link also Dark Web, Deep Web
Secure Browser is onion search engine with ability to find content on deepweb / darkweb. the privacy of users is respected there is no cookies and no JavaScript and there is not third party code or external code.
Browser isolates each website you visit so third-party trackers. Any cookies automatically clear when you’re done browsing.
When you use Browser for Android, your traffic is relayed and encrypted three times as it passes over the Secure network.
🌍 Address bar:
Smart address, title and search bar combined. You can put it at the top or at the bottom of your screen depending of your screen orientation.
🔖 Bookmarks:
Import, export, group them in folders and organize your bookmarks using drag and drop. Backup and restore your bookmarks directly from any Cloud services.
⌚ History:
Review the pages you visited. Clear it any time you want.
🌗 Force dark mode:
For your late night reading sessions you can force any web page to display in dark mode.
🎨 Themes:
Tool bar and status bar color theme integrates gracefully with your favorite web sites. Supports black, dark and light themes.
⛔ Ad blocker:
Use built-in ad blocker definitions or feed it local and online hosts files.
🔒 Privacy:
Incognito mode. Can discard tracking cookies. Clear tabs, history, cookies and caches functionalities. Third-party apps management.
🔎 Search:
Multiple search engines (Google, Bing, Yahoo, StartPage, DuckDuckGo, etc.). Find text in page. Google search suggestion.
🔧 Settings:
Lots of settings options to fine tune your browser to your liking. That includes configuration settings specific to your screen orientation.
if any issue with our Bowser application feel free to contact us at
What's new in the latest 4.2.0
* Ads Removed.
* Upgrade to Android 14
Secure Browser - Dark Web, Deep Web apk 정보
Secure Browser - Dark Web, Deep Web의 오래된 버전
Secure Browser - Dark Web, Deep Web 4.2.0
Secure Browser - Dark Web, Deep Web 4.1.7
Secure Browser - Dark Web, Deep Web 4.1.6
Secure Browser - Dark Web, Deep Web 4.1.5
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