Shape College Photo :Automatic Photo Collage Maker 정보
당신이 원하는 어떤 형태로 자신의 최고의 사진 콜라주를 만들기 위해 콜라주 모양.
Shape Collage Maker allows to make shape and blend collages of family photos in a harmonious way by blending photos together automatically.
This shape photo collage maker provides four unique features to make artistic shape collages : Family tree shape photo collage, blend collage,
creative and family name text collages. Just select 1 or more photos from gallery or camera, photo shape family collage maker automatically create
eye catching family tree, shape collage and lots of creative art shape collages made for you.
Features :-
1)Select multiple photos from Gallery or using Camera.
2)Change background color accordingly.
3)Adjust collage size, collage border, rotate, zoom etc.
4)Best photo editor tool to enhance your creativity.
5)Select any shape which you want.
6)Make random images collage / random photo collage .
7)Adjust frame color and size.
8)50+ shape for create effective shape college art.
9)Share with your friends or family via facebook, instagram or another social media platform.
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