학교에서 학생들의 활동을 실시간으로 분석하기위한 완벽한 솔루션입니다.
Eduplus is an IoT enabled smart digital solution that helps school managements to manage and track end-to end administrative and CRM processes and parents to keep track of child location and activity in schools. EduPlus works using Bluetooth Low Energy Technology to ensure optimum safety and security.
Eduplus is designed to ensure that schools serve as a second home for children. It effectively addresses all the fears, pitfalls and vulnerabilities related to child safety in schools. Right from notifying parents and teachers about the movement and activities of children within school premises, to keeping them on alert about the travel routes of school buses to and from schools, Eduplus attends to every aspect of child safety and security. With Eduplus you can easily keep track of every potential safety hurdle in schools and take the appropriate action to save children from harm.