Sikhs4all Foundation : Official App 정보
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SIKHS4ALL Foundation, a non-profitable, non-political charitable organization of a group of Sikhs inspired from the true spirit of Sikhism, started reaching out to those who need help to get education and acquire knowledge. The group extends Financial, Technical, Psychological & Spiritual help to all those students who have the potential but not the means to attain Education.
* Our VISION of the organization is the idea itself that is bound to grow exponentially because something that started as an idea of 6 to 8 individuals, is a selfless and strong work force of a large group of people today.
8 Our MISSION is to try and help transform underprivileged, downtrodden people and individuals into educated, visionary and vibrant members of society through civic, educational and personal development programs by keeping doctrines of “ Sikhi” at highest esteem and in salutation to the hymns of Gurus.
The core idea of S4A is to empower people, specifically the downtrodden ones with the power of Education and Knowledge.
* COMPUTER EDUCATION : A World class pilot computer center with latest computers and 24x7 high speed Broadband Connection for Internet access has been established for free computer education.
* SCHOLARSHIPS (BAISAKH SUKHANDA) : The foundation has adopted many needy students as on date ranging from school going children to students in Colleges / Professional Institutes. Sikhs4All Foundation has so far paid their school fee/tuition fee upto the month of Sept 2016.
* SIKLIGAR SIKHS UPLIFTMENT : Ever since inception, the Foundation is actively engaged with the rehabilitation and social emancipation of Sikligar Sikh families. This foundation is focused exclusively on human development of youth of this needy and underprivileged section of Sikh Community.
* KAS COACHING PROGRAM : We are providing coaching to the potential candidates by way of scholarships and free classes.