Simple Group Messaging 정보
이 앱은 모든 그룹 구성원에게 한 번에 메시지를 보내고받을 수 있도록 설계되었습니다.
Compatible from Android 7.0 up to Android 10. This app allows you to create groups of several members in order to be able to send and receive messages to all group members at once.
The app is designed to send only text messages, not images neither videos.
The user can create so many groups as he/she wants. The app exposes the following functions to the user: About, Settings, Add New Group, Refresh Group List, Show Leader, Show Members, Add New Member, Delete This Group, Add New Message, Reply To Message, Delete Member, Refresh Messages. Only the group creator can perform the following two functions on the given group: Add New Member and Delete This Group.
The new coming messages will be displayed in the red color whereas the old ones in the black color. In order to receive the new coming messages, the user needs to have the Wi-fi connection or the phone plan data available in order to connect to the messaging server.
For getting started with the app, go to the Settings function and perform it. Enter your first and last name, your phone number and make sure that the server address should be And the click on the SAVE button to save your changes. Once entered your phone number, you are going to get the list of different groups which you are belonging to or you are the owner of. So you can perform the following functions Show Leader, Show Members, Add New Member, Delete This Group, Add New Message, Reply To Message, Delete Member, Refresh Messages appropriately. By the way, you can create as many new groups as you like by performing the Add New Group function. On the home screen, if you don't see any group displayed, you have to go to the Settings function to check your phone number. You can change your phone number (do not forget to hit the SAVE button to save your changes) to visualize the new list of groups according to your new phone number. The 'Message Fetching Timer in Seconds' setting is used to allow users to adjust the time of receiving messages from the server.