Smart Casa -SmartHome Solution 정보
SmartHome 응용 프로그램 - 제어 / 액세스 스마트 카사 홈 오토메이션 제품.
SmartCasa is design to access and manage various devices such as weather sensor, door sensor, power plug, LED light and so on. Any place and any time, you are able to make your home as cozy as you are at home with SmartCasa system.
SmartCasa system work locally or remotely (via Bluetooth Low Energy from iOS devices), peripheral can be purchase individually without the need of Bridge/Gateway. That to said, if remote access is required at later stage Smart Hub can be purchase to act as bridge/gateway of supported peripherals.
Supported Peripheral Product:
Smart Weather - Local Weather Station
Smart Plug - Power Control And Monitoring
Smart Light - Lightning Control
Smart Door - Security and Monitoring