Smart Reply 정보
전화를 놓치면 앱이 SMS를 보냅니다! 다시는 중요한 전화를 놓치지 마세요!
Do you often miss calls? Do you have a lot of daily phone calls? Do you have to do a lot of work every day without looking all day at your mobile?
Everyday problems need smart fix!
We've developed this app for you! It sends automatically your preset sms when you miss a call !
E.g. You are at meeting or you work in your office without noticing your mobile phone. Someone calls but you don't have any idea who is it. It's your client, mother, wife/husband or girlfriend/boyfriend ? Doesn't matter because if you miss a call app will send separately SMS messages.
To mother: "I'm working mom. I'll call later " (She won't be angry that you didn't call her)
To client: "Write me an email please I'm at a meeting right now"
To girlfriend/wife: "Darling I can't talk to you because boss needs results, I'll call you later . Love u :* "
And so on.
How to use app:
1.Create Groups of people e.g. "Family, Co-workers, Friends"
2. Create your preset SMS Messages and then assign your groups to them.
3. Tick SMS messages which will be active and when u miss a call app will send SMS to them
4. Set your working interval in Setting if u want
5. In SMS History you'll see sent messages. Call phone numbers / contacts directly form App!
If you have any ideas e-mail us!
Enjoy :)