SMART TRICHY TNTD Transfer Ownership motor vehicle 정보
똑똑한 TRICHY TNTD 소유권 이동 차량
Smart Trichy Tamil Nadu Transport Department Transfer Ownership a motor vehicle
This app and 200+ other apps are developed by a DIPP Govt of India recognized startup in an effort to simplify the Government process by digitizing all the services to be easily accessed by citizens on their mobile phones. These apps contribute to the goals of Digital India as well as Startup India initiatives.
CST is converting these forms into apps on a pilot basis to support the Smart City Trichy efforts to become one of the pioneering cities in the country and globally to make all services available online to citizens. The app will be further updated once Open Government Data (OGD) platforms APIs are made available.
What's new in the latest 1.1 a DIPP GoI recognized startup has developed 207 apps to be used by Smart citizens of Trichy on their mobile phones contributing to goals of Digital India and Startup India initiatives to support Trichy Corporation efforts to become best smart city in country.