SMS Planner 정보
Simple SMS Schedule Free and Easy To Use, Schedule SMS text messages with Ease
Simple SMS Scheduler is a elegant, simple and user friendly text message SMS schedule application. It allows you to create new text messages and schedule when you would like to send them in the future down to the very minute!!
You can specify the minute, hour, day, month and year for the scheduled SMS to send with a 100% successful send rate as long as you have mobile coverage and phone battery
Never forget a Birthday Text!
Never forget a Anniversary Text!
Never forget a Business Text! (set up the invoice due date as a reminder for you and your customer)
It is more flexible and easier to use than ever before
This Simple SMS Scheduling App has a million uses depending on the user
Basic Features:
• Create and delete scheduled messages
• Recipients can be typed in directly or selected from contacts
• Multiple recipients can be chosen from customized contacts or group list
• Enter quick message using Google Voice Input functionality
• Flexible scheduling system - you can send SMS once, every hour, every week etc...
• Added message sending confirmation functionality
• Supports long SMS
• Doesn't divide long messages into short.
• Delivery reports for each sent message
• Incomplete schedule message will be saved as draft
• Messages are classified as Scheduled, Draft and Sent
• Tabs with swipe functionality for Scheduled Draft and Sent
• Sent SMS messages are added to sent box with proper sent/delivery status(SENT, DELIVERED, FAILED)
• View history of sent and delivered messages
• Auto sending of past due messages when the phone is powered back ON
• Status bar notifications are triggered for sent messages and delivery reports
• Easy, intuitive and more user friendly SMS Scheduler
* SMS Planner
Great for people on the go that live a busy lifestyle of just for people that like to be organised and prepared
If you like this Simple SMS scheduler application, please rate it.