SMS Sherlar 정보
Application in Uzbek language for exchanging meaningful messages.
Welcome to ShareSMS, the best app to send heartfelt messages and feelings to your loved ones. Whether you want to express love, friendship, sadness or celebrate special moments, ShareSMS provides a collection of carefully selected messages in various categories. With our user-friendly interface, you can share these messages via SMS or social media in just a few taps.
Easy division:
Easily send messages directly from the app using the built-in sharing feature.
Wide range of categories:
Choose from a variety of categories including:
Messages of Love (SMS SEVGI)
Messages about sadness (SMS QAYG'U)
Friendship Messages (SMS DO'STLIK)
Inspirational Quotes (SMS HIKMATLI SO'Z)
And many others!
What's new in the latest 20240809
SMS Sherlar apk 정보
SMS Sherlar의 오래된 버전
SMS Sherlar 20240809
SMS Sherlar 20240207 PlayStore
SMS Sherlar 152.0
SMS Sherlar 04/03/2018
SMS Sherlar 대안
Partner Developer
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