Snake On Screen - Hissing Snake in Phone Joke 정보
사실적인 크롤링 뱀 화면, 끔찍한 파이썬, 파급 효과로 재미
Snakes on Phone Screen Prank - Prank your friends by adding live snakes to your phone screen which appear any your screen always. You can chose one snake or two snakes with the colorful snake prank. Snake in Phone Prank will show you Notification with which you can stop the Snake prank any time.
This application will display very realistic animation of snake (Python) on the screen of your phone. You can play game, watch film, browse the Internet and the slithery reptile will always be visible. Movement of this footless vertebrate was generated on the basis of a real film showing a snake moving in it's natural environment.
Fluent movement and high quality of graphics can make anybody pranked that a real animal is moving on the screen of his phone.
1. Install a free snake on your phone.
2. Start python with the time delay, e.g. 20 seconds.
3. Ask your friend e.g. to help sign-in to his WIFi network, because you need to use the internet for a moment.
4. After 20 seconds a virtual snake will appear on the screen! A joke is ready, a victim is scared:)
Best Realistic effect on phone.
Steps to use the app:
-Tap to start the app
-Enable "Mouse On The Screen" toggle bar.
-Enable Window Overlay service if it is not enabled.
-Maintain Speed of the Mouse.
Main features of application:
- high quality of graphics and realistic movement of a snake
- possibility of setting transparent notification icon
- normal, bigger and large snake size
- possibility of setting time delay