SnapMock: Fake Chat Maker - jokes app 정보
SnapMock은 실제 채팅 앱이 아닙니다. 장난을 만들기위한 가짜 채팅 메이커입니다.
not a real chating app, It's a fake conversation maker app , it's just used for creating joks and memes
With this app we can create realistic mocks of chat conversations, so that you can take a screenshot and share it with friends, family any time and amy where
SnapMock App allow you to:
- Create Unlimited fake contacts users with Image profile
- Fast and easy to use
- add and user images and emoji easily
- simpe and responsive UI
- Ease of deleting fake chat Conversation
- Ability to delete all application data
DISCLAIMER: This app is intended for entertainment purposes only and is not affiliated with any other messaging app in any way. This app does not try to compete with or replace the original. Images used in screenshots and icons are just to let you know about the app.