SNUFF BOX-Allergy Cold Relief 정보
강렬한 빛으로 재채기를 시작하는 일반적인 감기 또는 알레르기에 도움
SNUFF BOX is your own personal electronic Allergy Relief Snuff Box conveniently in your pocket. When using the different modes on the app you can bring forth an Sneeze Faster and get quick Relief for common cold or Allergy to facilitate an event. You can also use this APP for Common Cold or Flu. Snuff Box works best when used in the Dark or in the Night time. The Flicker Light can also be used as in Night time for spotting or as a Beacon light.
Use white Light or Sun light mode which ever one helps you with your Sneeze.
There are Four Combo Buttons:
1. SNUFF NOW - Provides a Brilliant Super White Screen to induce an intense sneeze.
2. FLICKER MODE: Tickles the membranes so to engage a sneeze event.
3. FLASH MODE: Same as the Flicker Mode but at slower pace.
4. BOX ROLL: Controlled playful Sneeze
Instructions are listed inside the APP - Enjoy!
What's new in the latest 1.0.0
SNUFF BOX-Allergy Cold Relief apk 정보
SNUFF BOX-Allergy Cold Relief 의 오래된 버전
SNUFF BOX-Allergy Cold Relief 1.0.0
Partner Developer
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