Solar PV Calculator Pro 정보
Solar PV Calculator...
Solar PV Pro calculator is an App designed
for PV Surveyors / Panel Installers,
So they can quickly calculate productivity
of system to be installed.
The App will also calculate the benefits
over a 25 year period, so the client /
customer can be shown how much income
can be generated, and how long the system
will take to pay for itself.
The App will go through the calculation
in stages.
Each stage has a help file to assist with
entering correct data.
Data such as Installation type,
Panel Orientation (Direction of Panels)
Pitch (Angle of Panels)
Shading, Panel rating and number of panels.
This data will be used to calculate
Productivity and system size required.
Cost data such as installation cost,
FIT rate (Fixed Income Tarif)
Export rate, Electricity costs
And Inflation, will also be entered
to calculate the income generated and
money saved on bills, by having the
system installed.
Calculation based on FIT paid on all
electricity generated, Income earned
from unused electricity exported back
to grid, and savings made by using
electricity generated.
On first use of the App, All Cost
Data will need to be entered.
Once entered, data will be stored
into phone memory, so that on next
use, data entry requires less input
from the user.
At the end of the App, a survey report
can be viewed with system details.
Also a benefits illustration can be
viewed, to show the customer / client
how much income / savings can be made.
In the TOTAL benefits section,
The year will be highlighted in Yellow
to indicate how long the system will
take to pay for itself.
Years below this will be RED.
Years where profit is generated will be GREEN.
Once report is complete...........
Reports can be saved to SDCard for future reference.
Saved Reports can also be opened and viewed within App.
**Reports can also be emailed as text to
the client and/or your own email account,
As another way of saving the report for
future reference.
** For Sending emails, you will need
an email client set up on your phone.
Recommend using Gmail account.
But will work fine with others.
Please rate this App if you like it.
What's new in the latest 2.2
V2.1 Save & Open Reports to / from SD