Sound Meter: decibel meter 정보
Easily measure the current level of environmental noise in dB with your phone.
Sound Meter is also known as sound level meter, decibel meter (dB meter), noise meter, noise detector, sound pressure level meter (SPL meter).
Sound Meter uses your phone microphone to measure environmental noise or sound pressure levels in dB (decibels) with reference to generally known noise.
With this app, you can easily measure the current level of environmental noise.
Key Features:
★ Fast dB response
★ Indicate decibel by gauge
★ Show the current noise reference
★ Display Min/Avg/Max/current decibel values
★ Show the sound level graph
★ Can calibrate the decibel for each devices
1. To get more precise measurements, you can calibrate the decibel by adding or reducing value to adjust to your particular device's microphone sensitivity.
2. Microphones in Android devices are made to record human voice, therefore the maximum noise is limited and very loud sounds cannot be recognized (in most cases above 100dB).
3. This application is a device for fun and not meant to be used in place of scientific instrumentation.
Levels of Noise In decibels (dB):
120 dB – Threshold of pain, Thunder
110 dB – Rock music, Screaming child
100 dB – Subway train, Blow dryer
90 dB – Factory machinery at 3 ft, Power tools
80 dB – Busy street, Alarm clocks
70 dB – Busy traffic, Phone ringtone
60 dB – normal conversation
50 dB – Quiet office, Quiet street
40 dB – Quiet residential area, Park
30 dB – Quiet whisper, Library
20 dB – Leaves rusting
10 dB – breathing