Source Voting 정보
Source Voting은 미국 최초의 유권자 정보 플랫폼입니다.
Source Voting is the nation’s first-ever voter information app designed to give you information about your candidates for public office directly from them. You can look up your voting district with your address. With your voting district, you see the offices which are up for election and profiles directly from candidate, so you can choose the candidate who represents you best. Please use this before you arrive to cast your vote because phones and mobile devices are usually not allowed in the voting booth.
With Source Voting, voters can enter their home location and view a list of all candidates
running in their locality for U.S. House and Senate positions. Voters can watch video content uploaded directly by the candidate, and learn more about relevant issues and stances.
Candidates can upload videos on topics of their choosing, such as explaining who the candidate is or their beliefs on certain issues.
Source Voting does not provide political commentary on any of the candidates to help voters make personal, informed decisions. The platform also allows candidates to cost-effectively advertise to their constituents. Source Voting’s mission is to transform elections, including their advertising costs.
“Candidates have long complained that it is difficult and expensive to get their message out to voters, while the vast majority of voters go to the polls and cast their vote with little or no information about the candidates,” said Kevin Brown, Source Voting founder. “Source Voting is meant to close that gap by providing a forum where voters can hear what their candidates have to say in one place—directly from the candidates, and at the voters’ convenience.”