Spin to win 정보
휠과 스크래치 쿠폰을 돌리고 행운과 기회를 열어 현금을 얻으십시오.
Use this free app and get real fun with real points and real money. Spin wheel, scratch card and match machine games combination will gives you more and more pleasure when you tired and want to try your luck to collect coins.
Spin the wheel & Scratch Coupons and Open Up Your Luck and Chance to Win Cash.
Spin to Win
-You can Get Coin By Spin fortune Wheel and Scratch Box. Spin and Win Jackpot Cash is a virtual jackpot game. Just spin the wheel taping the middle point the wheel and earn coins. Reach the milestones and enjoy being a winner winning cash into V wallet. Please see the menu items for more details.
-You can transfer your coins to money.
This app is for entertainment purposes only!
This app is only user-friendly has been developed, there is no real money form of giving or receiving any payment to anyone. This app is design for the user’s entertainment purpose during this time. We are not capable to give payment any user. So best of luck and enjoy App.
Declaration :-
We doesn't Collect Any user Personal Information In Our Application.
We doesn't Associated with any Company and Brand etc.
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