SQL Gen 정보
모바일의 디자인 데이터베이스
This App is used to create table script of database in SQL.
Main menu consists of following options.
1. Explorer
2. Generate Script
3. Mail Script
1. Explorer:
All database design will be done here. Starting from creating database, tables and columns. All three have Add, Edit and Delete options.
Use Single Click on item to move forward. For eg. If you select database then you will get table list. If you select Table then you will get Column list.
Use Option button to Create Database on Database Screen. Same process for Table and Column Screen.
Use Long Press on item list for editing or deleting record.
2. Generate Script:
Create Table Script will be generated here for list of tables you choose through provided checkboxes. All generated script will be saved at ExternalStorage: /mnt/sdcard/SQL/GeneratedScript.txt.
3. Mail Script:
This allows to send mail of Generated Script .