Srijonshil Bangladesh 정보
방글라데시 Shilpakala 아카데미에 대한 정보
Wants to get notice of Bangladesh Shilpakala Academy, daily routine of events arranged in different areas (particularly in Dhaka city) in Bangladesh, news about ticketing ; where and how to get it. This app will give you all answers.
You could also know about foundation history and present activities of Bangladesh Shilpakala Academy. With the dream of practice, expansion and preservation of rich culture of Bangladesh, Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Established Bangladesh Shilpakala Academy (National Academy of Fine and Reforming Art) on 4th July 1974. In present, Shilpakala Academy spread out its activities all over the country and brought the revolution of culture. Expansion of cultural practice, Establishment of 486 Upazila shilpakala Academy , preservation of folk culture, ensuring culture for all, introducing Bangladeshi culture to the international world and finally organizing the liberation war based cultural events Bangladesh Shilpakala Academy is contributing a lot. Now Bangladesh shilpakala Academy is the holy land of culture, center point of all cultural personalities, artists and people. Bangladesh Shilpakala Academy now acts as a mirror of Bangladesh. That’s why this institution is our pride and light house of spirit. Use this app and know more details on it.